Healthy Baby tips

When expected parents are asked if they like a boy or girl, the answer is often “we don’t care, unless it’s healthy”. Some children are born specifically with ongoing health challenges, and others will become ill from time to time. Here are some tips to help make your child as healthy as possible:

to refuse
If you have taken drugs or have consumed excessive alcohol, then hopefully you stopped when you were pregnant. If you’re tempted to resume those habits, don’t! Your child will benefit from your own health and the energy to avoid an addictive lifestyle. If you suspect that you need help to do this, talk to your doctor so that you can find recovery options. One of our readers has an inspiring story of his own.

Where there is smoke …
The effect of second hand smoke on the breath of a smoker is considered harmful for infants. Exposing your child to smoking can also result in risks of asthma, lung and heart disease, and cancer. Many smokers smoke to relieve stress, and quitting can introduce more stress, so, again, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about cessation aid options. Find out more about the risk of smoking around infants.

Feeding The Beast
If possible, it is best to breastfeed, and our specialists demand to wait up to 6 months to make a solid demand. Breast milk contains (healthy) fat, vitamins, protein and more. You can read all about the breastmilk and immunological benefits of breastfeeding

Rock solid
When your child is on solid foods, introduce fruits and yellow vegetables (not citrus fruits, though), and then other foods. Try and avoid healthy, nutritious food, avoid excess fat and protein, and avoid harmful additives. Foods known to promote immunity are coconut, dates, pure honey and nuts. There is a lot of information about enhancing your child’s immunity through nutrition.

Fresh air!
Exercise is great for your body as well as your brain, and is proven to reduce stress. Sharing nature with your child will keep you both healthy and happy. Take daily walks and schedules and develop a routine that works for you, such as yoga or home workouts. Many mother and child exercise classes are designed to involve young infants, too.

Use caution, not paranoia when it comes to visitors — ask them before placing your baby, and, if they are visibly ill (they are coughing or have a runny nose) go slowly one by one. Suggest an alternate day for the trip. Encourage lots of hand washing and general good hygiene at home, especially if your child has younger siblings.

Over antibiotics
Instead of asking your doctor or pediatrician to prescribe antibiotics, ask if the antibiotic is necessary – many times, anxious parents ask the doctor to prescribe unnecessary antibiotics, and this will lead to antibiotic-resistant There may be bacteria.

Sleep is essential when it comes to boosting immunity and fighting infections. Babies need plenty of sleep, and so they like their parents a lot, so make sure that you all have as many naps as possible, and that you can’t skip sleep at night. Some parents do not get enough sleep as it is with a newborn, but staying too long has not alleviated the problem. No matter what precautions you take, however, your child will inevitably become ill. Ask your friends or community for a reliable pediatrician who will be available to provide the best advice and care for your child.

Do you make a conscious effort to protect your child’s health?
